3rd - 8th Grade League Parent Information
CYBA Organization Structure
The CYBA board is composed of grade representatives for each division in the Fargo-Moorhead Youth Basketball League (FMYBL). The CYBA board meets monthly during the FMYBL season and as necessary as issues arise. Please direct any questions/issues to your specific grade representative for resolution or escalation to the CYBA board.
Team Selection Process
CYBA follows a vigorous evaluation process for team selection. We track each child by their jersey number only on an evaluation sheet. We conduct 2 evaluation practices where our evaluators observe player’s ability to dribble, pass and shoot in various drills. Additionally, a scrimmage is held each day to evaluate each player in game situations. CYBA uses a 5 point evaluation system for the drills and scrimmage. From there we tally the points and arrive at a composite score for each child. After the last evaluation practice, the CYBA board meets to select teams. We select even teams for 3rd grade based on the point totals. For divisions that require an A/B format, we hide columns that contain jersey numbers (names are hidden from the start of the evaluation) so that we only look at the composite score by row. The CYBA board then determine the total number of players in that division and set the line at an equal number on each team. From there we look at the composite score spread of points to determine if equal numbers make sense. If there is a large spread on the points of players close to the line, we make decisions to move players either up or down although we will always maintain at least 7 players on a team. Once the teams are determined, we reveal the columns containing jersey numbers and names in order to set rosters.
We utilize TeamSnap as our primary roster record keeping system and communication tool. TeamSnap utilizes a web based platform as well as a phone application that you can download through your application store. Most communications will initiate at a board level through the CYBA TeamSnap commissioner. Team specific communication can be disseminated by the CYBA TeamSnap team owner (CYBA Grade Representative) or CYBA TeamSnap team manager (CYBA Team Coaches). CYBA coaches will be responsible to update their results on TeamSnap after all Saturday FMYBL games are complete.
TeamSnap Information
This is a very powerful tool and we are still learning some of the best ways to use the application. Please keep your contact information up to date on TeamSnap. A TeamSnap account will be required to register online. During registration you will add player information and parent information. We have the ability to email and text updates. Please review the cell phone number associated with each contact and check “Allow the team to send text messages to this number”. Additionally, pick the appropriate carrier for each cell phone. Key tabs to review:
- Roster-Contains read only info on players and the ability to edit your player’s information
- Schedule-Contains practice schedule, game schedule and other events
- Availability-The default setting is “Yes” for attendance at all practices, games and events. Please change that setting to “No” for any practices, games, or event attendance as soon as you are aware that your child won’t be able to attend.
- Media-We have the ability to post photos, videos and most importantly files. We will post the different information sheets for coaches, players and parents to the file section of Media.
Game Uniforms
Game uniforms are only to be worn for games. Do not wear them to practice (unless otherwise instructed to do so like Picture Day) or wear them to play outside. Game uniforms will be turned in on the Sunday following the last FMYBL game of the season. Any excessive damage to uniforms may result in cost to the parent to replace. Please follow the care instructions on the inside label as failure to do so may result in peeling jerseys or other damage.
Practice Jerseys & Shooting Shirts
Your child should wear the practice jersey to every practice. Shooting shirts should be worn over top of the game uniform for game warm-ups. Players keep practice jerseys and shooting shirts and are not returned at the end of the season.
We will host one weekly team practice and one drill session practice. CYBA will be responsible for maintaining the practice schedule on TeamSnap. We will utilize both email and text (as available) for all communications.
FMYBL game schedules will be posted on TeamSnap. Another redundant source of game information can be found here. We will utilize both email and text (as available) for all communications. CYBA coaches are responsible for finding one parent per game to run the scoreboard or keep the scoring sheet at each game. Please remember the following when attending games or practices:
- Coaches are volunteers, not paid professionals.
- Referees vary in ability, make mistakes, but try their best. Just as some of our kids are just learning the games, some of the referees are early in their referee careers. Without them, we couldn’t play the games.
- Fun is the number one priority for the kids. Yes, we want them to improve and be successful, but primarily, we want them to develop a love for basketball and enjoy the time with friends in a competitive environment.
Fair Playing Time
Coaches will follow the fair playing time guidance established by the CYBA committee. Our goal is to have equitable playing time for all kids but playing time may be affected by player attitude, effort and attendance.
FMYBL Games in Casselton
If your team is fortunate enough to get FMYBL games in Casselton, your CYBA Grade Representative will work with the CYBA coaches and parents to coordinate FMYBL game day logistics. These logistics will include set up, during the day activities and clean up.
Player Information Sheet
Please read through the player information sheet with your child. It contains valuable information about expectations and it is important that you take the time to review this information with your child.